The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China
Council News
Other News
Historical Perspective
The formation of the Church of Christ in China can be traced back to 1918 when the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in China called a meeting in Nanjing to look into the desirability of forming a union of churches. Then the May 4 Movement (1919) aroused among the youth in China a great passion for nationalism, and some even suspected that Christianity had become a tool of cultural invasion by the imperialistic Western powers. Chinese students everywhere organized Anti-Christian Federation, directly challenging the roles and work of the churches. Some church leaders realized that the Church must be indigenous to shed off the insulting label of a “foreign religion.” In other words, local churches must become self-governing, self-supporting, and self-propagating in order to take root in the country and to minister to her people. Thus the representatives from the Presbyterian Church, the London Missionary Society and the Congregational Church agreed that they must stand united in order to be a more effective witness for Christ. Only a united church could contribute to China at a time when she was facing invasion from the outside and civil discontent from the inside.
The representatives met to draw up a scheme of union. Representatives from other denominations soon joint in. Subsequently, the churches in Canton declared in July 1919 the formation of The Guangdong Synod of the Church of Christ in China. Representatives from the Swedish Missionary Society, the Congregational Church, the London Missionary Society, the Presbyterian Church and the United Brethren also joined the declaration. In 1922, the Provisional General Assembly met in Shanghai and the unity movement gained further momentum. In 1927, the First General Assembly of the newly formed Church of Christ in China, which was attended by representatives from all over China, met in St. Mary’s Hall, Shanghai. In all, 88 commissioners attended, of whom 66 were Chinese and 22 were missionaries representing 11 denominations and 53 District Associations. This laid the foundation of unity on which the Church of Christ in China was built. The newly formed Church adopted a four-tier system: on the national level, the General Assembly; on the provincial level, the Synods; on the district level, the Associations; and on the local level, the churches.
The Second General Assembly met in 1930 in Baihedong, Guangdong. The Third General Assembly was held in Gulangyu, Xiamen, in 1933. And the Fourth General Assembly was held in Qingdao in 1937. In a period of 10 years, five synods and 34 associations were added to the union, making a total of 16 synods, 85 associations, 2842 local churches, 454 ordained ministers and approximately 130,000 communicants. Thereafter, World War II broke out and general assembly meeting had to be suspended until the war was over. There was an intention of calling a meeting of the Fifth General Assembly after the war, but because of the chaotic aftermath of the war and the poor condition of the land transportation system, the idea had not been materialized. In October 1946, an extended joint meeting of the Board members and deacons was held in Nanjing with 57 representatives attending. At that time, nation-wide, there were 20 Synods, 105 associations and 170,000 communicants. Altogether 17 Mission Boards from the West covering three continents were involved in the unity movement. They were the United Church of Canada, Women Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada, Presbyterian Church of Canada, Women Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, Congregational Church of America, Presbyterian Church in the United States (South), The Reformed Church in America, Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (North), Evangelical and Reformed Church, United Brethren, London Missionary Society, British Baptist Missionary Society, British Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Church of Scotland, Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, and Presbyterian Church of Australia.
The Hong Kong Council
The predecessor of The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China was the Sixth District Association of the Guangdong Synod of the Church of Christ in China. Because of the political situation in China in the late 40s’, the Sixth District Association was unable to maintain a normal relationship with the Guangdong Synod. As a result The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China was organized in 1953 in order to carry out its work independently. The governance was changed to a two-tier system, the council and the local churches, which membership included the churches, schools, and agencies of the Sixth District Association in Hong Kong, Kowloon, the New Territories and Macau. Also included in it were some new churches of the same background. However, these churches operated independently. The Council itself and some of the churches in the New Territories had to depend on the financial assistance of foreign missions. In 1955, subsidized by the mission boards, the Council was able to purchase an apartment in Carnarvan Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, as its headquarters. Many programs were still run by missionaries and financially supported by foreign missions.
The Council went through some fundamental restructuring in 1957. This included rewriting its constitution, strengthening the roles of its executive committee and employing more staff. In 1958, in order to expand its work, the Council was incorporated and registered as a non-profit making charity organization with the Hong Kong Government. In 1960, the new headquarters at 191 Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon, was built. This allowed the Council to further strengthen its operation. Between 1960 and 1965 the Council launched two “million-dollar fund raising” campaigns to help to build more churches and schools. In 1964, the Executive Committee passed a resolution to have the Council become self-supporting in 10 years’ time. In 1966, the Council called for a plan of “Consolidation and Renewal in Four Years, and Strengthening Development in Ten Years.” The Council became totally self-supporting in 1974, and the constitution was amended accordingly. In 1980, the Council formally announced herself a “three-self church” which means the church is now a self-governing, self-supporting and self-propagating church. During this period of time the Council became a member of the World Council of Churches, the East Asian Christian Council (now the Christian Conference of Asia), and the Hong Kong Christian Council. In 1977 the Council also joined the Council for World Mission (formerly the London Missionary Society), sharing financial resources and manpower and participating in missionary work around the world. By virtue of its historical affiliation, the Council is a member of the World Methodist Council and the World Alliance Reformed Church, and continues to maintain a close relations with a number of other founding churches.
Due to the need for development, the constitution that was adopted in 1957 was amended in 1974 and again in 1997. The second amendment clearly defines three categories of membership: congregation, clergy and agencies, with detail outline of the responsibilities of each. The Annual General Assembly, which is the highest decision-making body of the Council, consists of all the ministers in office, representatives from the local congregations, directors of the Council’s agencies, school principals and delegates from affiliated organizations. Most members, together with 12 representatives elected during the Annual General Meeting, formed the Executive Committee and manage the Council when the Assembly is not in session. The Executive Committee is organized into six departments: the Church Administration Department, the Social Services Department, the Lay Training Department, the Mission Department, the Theological and Ministerial Department, and the Education (School Management Committee) Department. Chairpersons of these departments together with the Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Assistant Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Internal Auditor of the Executive Committee formed the Standing Committee that plan all Council’s business. The Council also employs a General Secretary, an Associate General Secretary, and several Executive Secretaries to execute assignments from the Executive Committee and Departments.
Common Dotrine
HKCCCC is an uniting church consisting mainly of churches with Congregational and Presbyterian traditions. Also included during its inception years were the London Missionary Society, British Baptist Missionary Society and others. They nevertheless share the same beliefs:
- “Believe in Jesus Christ as our Redeemer and Lord on whom the Christian Church is founded; and in an earnest desire for the establishment of His Kingdom throughout the whole earth.
- “Accept the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the divine inspired word of God, and the supreme authority in matters of faith and life.
- “Recognize the Apostle’s Creed as the expression of the fundamental doctrines of our common evangelical faith.”
Any church wishing to join the union must observe the following principles:
- Support the unity movement;
- Emphasize on democratic participation;
- Advance the three-self principles;
- Believe in equal rights for both sexes;
- Practice the principle of “Mutual respect, trust and sharing”
Our Mission
For the last forty years, because of circumstantial needs, theme of work of HKCCCC might appear to have changed from time to time. However, the basic direction of thought and development remains closely within its main frame of reference. Following the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit, HKCCCC embraces “Partnership in Mission,” “Joint Action for Mission,” and “Sharing for Mission” which shows the Council’s willingness to share its manpower, financial resources, and vision with member churches to achieve its objectives of mission and service. The development of the Council can be described in three stages: Dependence, Independence, and Interdependence. Regardless of which stage of development the Council is in, its main goal is always trying to be the most worthy witness for Christ and to render glory to God.
The Council is a “three-self” church (self-support, self-governance, and self-propagation) and will always be so. In the stage of dependence, the church built its belief on the sufficient grace of God and was prudent in using its resources. In the stage of independence, the Council advocated a policy of simplicity. This means not to spend excessive time and resources and money on matters such as organization, rites, church polities and public relations. The emphasis is on everything for Jesus, that is, to raise the quality of work of its employees, to strength the efficiency and effectiveness of the Council, and to be ready for new involvement in evangelical work. In the stage of interdependence, the Council is willing to share the abundant gifts of God with those who are less fortunate. The Council has been raising money for such causes as preaching good news to the poor, caring for the weak, and serving the elderly. It also shares its resources with organizations in Hong Kong and overseas. It encourages its members to practice the spirit of sharing and caring, and to generously support those projects that eventually lead to self-supporting as well as on other ground-breaking development.
Upon the return of Hong Kong to China, the Council becomes part of the Chinese church. Still believing in the absolute sovereignty and abundant grace of God, the Council continues to march forward in faith. The Council also hopes that all members of the Council will unite in one heart to work for church renewal, to benefit the society of Hong Kong and to give glory to God.
English version was translated by Mr. Hudson Soo (April 2004).
Officers and Staffs
Last Updated: 2023/12/12
The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China
Members of Standing Commitee
2023 to 2025
Chairperson | : | MA Chi Man, Jick |
Vice Chairperson | : | CHAN Ying Shing |
Secretary | : | KAM Siu Wan |
Vice Secretary | : | LEUNG Man Ki |
Treasurer | : | AU YEUNG Chi Kong |
Internal Auditor | : | NG Kai Wai, Gary |
Departmental Chairment | ||
Administration & Church Affairs Department | : | KO Kwok Hung, Pele |
Laity Training Department | : | CHAN Chi Hang |
Social Services Department | : | WONG Sing Wing |
Mission and Evangelism Department | : | LI Siu Po |
Theology and Ministry Department | : | LEUNG Yuen Yiu |
Education Services Department | : | SHUM Kwok Yan, Daisy |
General Office Staff | ||
General Secretary | : | WONG Ka Fai, Ray |
Associate General Secretary | : | PO Kam Cheong |
Director of Education Services | : | CHAN Tsun Kit |
Director of Social Services | : | LO Chung Biu, Bill |
Laity Training Department
To promote joint training activities for the laymen in the CCC churches:
- To plan and to promote activities related to the working theme of the Council.
- To plan and to promote educational and volunteer training programs for the laymen in the churches of the Council.
- To plan and to promote joint ministry for the youth and ladies’ groups in the churches of the Council.
- To plan and to promote joint religious education training programs for the churches of the Council.
Mission and Evangelism Department
- To promote and coordinate religious education programs in the Council’s schools.
- To promote and coordinate religious education programs among the Council’s churches and schools.
- To examine applications by the Council’s churches for subsidy to promote pastoral care in the Council’s schools and to make recommendations to the Executive Committee.
- To promote joint effort between the Council and its church members in planning local and overseas evangelical programs.
Theology & Ministry Department
Be responsible for the following affairs pertaining to theology, faith, ministers of the Word, and church polity.
- To advocate the Council’s theological heritage, to expound the Council’s theological view points in matters pertaining to faith and work, and to set the direction for ministry of the Council.
- To advocate and expound the Council’s tradition of and liturgy for the administration of the holy sacraments, to decide on the church order for the ordination of ministers and the installation of preachers, deacons and elders.
- To interview and examine those candidates who wish to be ordained or received as ministers, or installed as preachers, of the Council; and those ministers and preachers from other denominations who wish to transfer to and serve in the Council.
- To promote theological training for the Council and to assess the qualifications of those candidates who have made applications to the Council for scholarships to study theology.
- To contact the ministers and preachers of the Council’s churches and to coordinate and process matters regarding their transfer of work places.
- To investigate and handle cases concerning personal and professional misconduct of the Council’s ministers and preachers.
Education Department
Together we nurture fullness of life;
Hand in hand we witness the love of Christ
Mission Statement
With the love of Christ, compassion for humanity and a progressive attitude, we strive to deliver a quality education, to develop students’ potential to the fullest, to share with them the Gospel, and to cultivate in them a sense of good citizenship which will benefit our society and nation.
Core Values
With the aim of spreading the word of God and serving the community, we provide a holistic education to all with loving care, a progressive attitude and total commitment.
Terms of Reference
- To draft, as well as to follow-up, educational policies and future development and to make recommendations and present reports to the Executive Committee.
- To study the consultation papers on educational policies published by the Hong Kong Government and to present whatever responses the Department has arrived at to the Executive Committee.
- By the authority vested in it by the Executive Committee, and in accordance with the rules and regulations issued by the Education Bureau, to audit, employ, dismiss, and transfer salaried staff of the “Category A Schools” (that is, the school management committees of the schools under the direct management of the Council that are not established as a legal person according to the Education (Amendment) Ordinance 2004 or the Company Ordinance) and to decide on their contracts and salaries. As for the appointment and dismissal of the heads of these schools, sub-clause (e) below applies.
- By the authority vested in it by the Executive Committee, to set up a Central School Management Committee to supervise and manage the daily operation of the “Category A Schools” of the Council.
- To make recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding the appointment and dismissal of the heads of Category A Schools of the Council.
- In accordance with the school mission, vision, direction, strategies and work plan of the Council, to draw up a school mission and vision and core value for the “Category B Schools” (that is, the Incorporated Management Committees or the Registered School Management Committees of the schools that are established according to the Education (Amendment) Ordinance 2004 or the Company Ordinance respectively) of the Council, and to make recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding the appointment of school managers to either the Incorporated Management Committees or the Registered School Management Committees of the “Category B Schools” of the Council, to supervise these schools that they will operate in accordance with the objectives and policies of the Council.
Special Project – Macau Morrison Memorial Centre
In 2007 the Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China celebrated the 200 Anniversary of Robert Morrison’s mission to China. In a series of events, the most significant one is the establishment of a Morrison Memorial Center in Macau to serve the community of Macau.
Originally, the Center is to be the Macau Liaison Office of The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China, which mission is to liaise with the Christian bodies and other cultural and educational organizations in Macau to promote missionary, cultural, educational and social services in Macau.
To promote education in theology, with a view to achieving the ideal of “Priesthood of All Believers and Nation of Stewards”.
To train the Christians from knowing their faith to practicing their faith. .
- Faith Building Series
- 34-weeks “Red Discipleship” curriculum in a local church or in the Center.
- Diploma in Discipleship Theology (for laymen entering the ministry) – Co-organize with the Divinity School of Chung Chi College ,the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
District | Congregation |
HK Central and Western | The Church of Christ in China Hop Yat Church2 Bonham Road, HKTel: 25486053 Fax: 28584014 URL: Email: |
HK Central and Western | The Church of Christ in China Hop Yat Church (Hong Kong Church)2 Bonham Road,HKTel: 25486080 Fax: 28584011 URL: Email: |
HK Wanchai | The Church of Christ in China Wanchai ChurchChuk Kui Terrace, 77 Spring Garden Lane,Wanchai, HK Tel: 25270894 Fax: 28654197 URL: Email: |
HK Wanchai | China Congregational Church119 Leighton Road, Causewaybay, HKTel: 25761109 25761027 Fax: 28956627 URL: Email: |
HK Central and Western | China Congregational Church (Bridges Street)G/F, 68 Bridges Street, Sheung Wan, HKTel: 25493631 25493647 Fax: 28589180 URL: Email: |
KLN Sham Shui Po | The Church of Christ in China Shum Oi Church80 Woh Chai Street, Shek Kip Mei, KLNTel: 27770533 Fax: 27884019 URL: Email: |
NT Yuen Long | The Church of Christ in China Yuen Long Church5 Ping Shun Street, Yuen Long, NTTel: 24760089 Fax: 24735810 URL: Email: |
NT Yuen Long | The Church of Christ in China Yuen Long Church Youth Center5 Ping Shun Street, Yuen Long, NTTel: 24736717 Fax: 24730787 URL: Email: |
NT Yuen Long | (The Church of Christ in China Kei Yuen Church)CCC Kei Yuen College, Fung Yau Street East, Yuen Long, NT(Sunday Service) 1/F School Hall of CCC Kei Yuen College, Fung Yau Street East, Yuen Long, NT Tel: 24760018 Fax: 24760050 URL: Email: |
HK Wanchai | The Church of Christ in China Shing Kwong Church7 Eastern Hospital Road, Causewaybay, HKTel: 25774024 Fax: 28956659 URL: Email: |
NT Tsuen Wan | The Church of Christ in China Chuen Yuen Church2-4 Tai Uk Street, Tsuen Wan, NTTel: 24922866 Fax: 24146648 URL: Email: |
NT Kwai Tsing | The Church of Christ in China Kwai Chung Chuen Yuen ChurchG20B CCC Chuen Yuen Second Primary School,3 Sheung Kok Street, Kwai Chung, NT (Sunday Service) School Hall of CCC Chuen Yuen Second Primary School, 3 Sheung Kok Street, Kwai Chung, NT Tel: 31562530 Fax: 31561994 URL: Email: |
Macau | The Church of Christ in China Chi To Church5A Rua Henrique De Macedo, MACAUTel: (853)28372243, (853)28353068 Fax: (853)28312301 URL: Email: |
NT Tuen Mun | The Church of Christ in China Tuen Mun Church2/F, 29 Tseng Choi Street, Tuen Mun, NTTel: 24570020? ·|p³B: 21570360 Fax: 24589619 URL: Email: |
NT Yuen Long | The Church of Christ in China Agape ChurchCCC Fong Yun Wah Primary School,Phase2, Tin Yiu Estate, Tin Shui Wai, NT Tel: 36650770 Fax: 24339112 URL: Email: |
NT Yuen Long | Agape Family Support CentreCCC Fong Yun Wah Primary School,Phase2, Tin Yiu Estate, Tin Shui Wai, NT Tel: 36650770 Fax: 24339112 URL: Email: |
NT Tai Po | The Church of Christ in China Tai Po Church22 Shui On Street, Tai Po, NTTel: 26563239 Fax: 26563373 URL: Email: |
NT Islands | The Church of Christ in China Cheung Chau Church14 School Road, Cheung Chau, NTTel: 29810623 Fax: 29813627 URL: Email: |
NT Islands | The Church of Christ in China Nga Kok Church24-26 Market Street, Tai O, Lantau Island, NTTel: 29857517 Fax: URL: Email: |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | The Church of Christ in China Mongkok Church5/F Christian Centre, 56 Bute Street, Mongkok, KLNTel: 23941412 Fax: 27873438 URL: Email: |
HK Eastern | The Church of Christ in China Kei Wan Church63 Sai Wan Ho Street, Shaukeiwan, HKTel: 25600086 Fax: 28853860 URL: Email: |
HK Wanchai | The Church of Christ in China Man Lam Christian Church, Hong Kong9 Village Road, Happy Valley, HKTel: 28932242 28380577 Fax: 28327141 URL: Email: |
HK Wanchai | The Church of Christ in China Man Lam Christian Church, Hong Kong4/F Java Commerical Centre,128 Java Road, North Point, HK Tel: 25633302 Fax: 31620959 URL: Email: |
HK Eastern | The Church of Christ in China Man Lam Christian Church, Hong Kong4/F Java Commerical Centre, 128 Java Road, North Point, HK |
HK Southern | The Church of Christ in China Man Lam Christian Church, Hong Kong (Aberdeen Congregation)Flat C, 3/F., 1-3 On Tai Building,Wu Nam Street, Aberdeen, HK Tel: 25551002 Fax: 35477255 URL: Email: |
NT Islands | The Church of Christ in China Lamma Church45 Po Wah Yuen, Yung Shue Wan, Lamma Island, NTG/F., 94 Yung Shue Wan Main Street, Lamma Island, NT Tel: 29820316 29821459 Fax: 29821709 35534364 URL: Email: |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | The Church of Christ in China Cheung Lo Church191A Prince Edward Road West, Mongkok, KLNTel: 23804079 Fax: 23970537 URL: Email: |
NT North | The Church of Christ in China Sheung Shui Church23 Jockey Club Road, Sheung Shui, NTTel: 26700032 Fax: 26735762 URL: Email: |
NT Kwai Tsing | The Church of Christ in China Anani ChurchFlat B-C, Podium, Shek Yam Shopping Centre,Shek Yam Estate, Kwai Chung, NT Tel: 22760061 Fax: 22765816 URL: Email: |
NT North | The Church of Christ in China Kei San ChurchCCC Kei San Secondary School,8 Wu Tip Shan Road, Fanling, NT (Sunday Service) School Hall of CCC Kei San Secondary School Tel: 34883136 Fax: URL: Email: |
NT Islands | The Church of Christ in China Mui Wo Church49 Mui Wo Rural Committee Road, Lantau Island, NTTel: 29847724 Fax: URL: Email: |
KLN Kowloon City | The Church of Christ in China Hainan Church1/F, 274 & 274A Prince Edward Road West, KLN(Sunday Service) CCC Rotary Secondary School, 157 Lung Cheung Road, KLN Tel: 23376260 Fax: 23382646 URL: Email: |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | The Church of Christ in China Mandarin Church1/F, Ming Fat Mansion, 53 Bute Street, Mongkok, KLNTel: 23948651 Fax: 23942212 URL: Email: |
KLN Kwun Tong | The Church of Christ in China Kwun Tong Mandarin Church(Sunday Service) CCC Kei Chi Secondary School,20 Shui Ning Street, Kwun Tong, KLN Tel: 23948651 Fax: 23942212 URL: Email: |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | The Church of Christ in China Hop Yat Church (Kowloon Church)2 Perth Street, Homantin, KLNTel: 27113866 Fax: 27150701 URL: Email: |
NT Kwai Tsing | The Church of Christ in China Kei Chun Church1/F CCC Kei Chun Primary School,11 Wai Lai Path, Kwai Chung, NT Tel: 29580958 Fax: 29581686 URL: Email: |
KLN Sham Shui Po | The Church of Christ in China Kei Pun ChurchRm 1-2, 1/F Kin On Building,163-173 Camp Street, Shamshuipo, KLN Tel: 23878179 Fax: 27203671 URL: Email: |
KLN Kwun Tong | The Church of Christ in China Leung Faat Memorial Church34 Yuet Wah Street, Kwun Tong, KLNTel: 23895157 Fax: 27901683 URL: Email: |
KLN Wong Tai Sin | The Church of Christ in China Kam Kong Memorial Church161 Tung Tau Tsuen Road, Wong Tai Sin, KLNTel: 23202359 Fax: 23277211 URL: Email: |
KLN Wong Tai Sin | The Church of Christ in China Ling Tung ChurchCCC Kei Wah Primary School, Choi Hung Estate, KLNTel: 35965113 | 35965115 Fax: URL: Email: |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | The Church of Christ in China Keito Church17/F Sino Cheer Plaza, 23-29 Jordon Road, KLNTel: 27282218 Fax: 23878847 URL: Email: |
NT Tuen Mun | The Church of Christ in China Mingdao Church10 San Wo Lane, San Hui, Tuen Mun, NT(Sunday Service) Room 123, 10 San Wo Lane, San Hui, Tuen Mun, NT Tel: 24522422 ¤º½u238 Fax: URL: Email: |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | The Church of Christ in China Yaumati Kei To ChurchRm 5, 1/F Hang Yue Court, 8 Pitt Street, Yaumati, KLNTel: 27804629 Fax: 27807849 URL: Email: |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | The Church of Christ in China Hong Kong Chi To ChurchRm 801-804, 8/F Rightful Centre,12 Tak Hing Street, Jordan, KLN Tel: 23961371 Fax: 27894068 URL: Email: |
KLN Wong Tai Sin | The Church of Christ in China Kei Tsz Chapel6/F., CCC Kei Tsz Primary School,152 Tsz Wan Shan Road, Kowloon Tel: 23961371 | 23225122 Fax: 27894068 URL: Email: |
HK Eastern | The Church of Christ in China Quarry Bay Church1A Ka Wing Building, 4-6 Hoi Wan Street, Quarrybay, HKTel: 25637297 Fax: 25655352 URL: Email: |
NT Shatin | The Church of Christ in China Shatin ChurchUnit H, 27/F., Kings Wing Plaza 2, No.1 On Kwan Street,Shek Mun, Shatin, NT Tel: 26462469 Fax: 26373800 URL: Email: |
HK Eastern | The Church of Christ in China Hop Yat Church (North Point)48 Cloud View Road, North Point, HKTel: 25785757 Fax: 28879452 URL: Email: |
HK Eastern | The Church of Christ in China Hop Yat Church (Island Place Chapel)Hop Yat Church Elderly Centre, 2/F Island Place,53 Tanner Road, North Point, HK Tel: 28800461 Fax: URL: Email: |
KLN Kwun Tong | The Church of Christ in China Chuen Yan ChurchCCC Kei Chi Secondary School,20 Shui Ning Street, Kwun Tong, KLN Tel: 23579346 Fax: 23047946 URL: /¤¤µØ°ò·þ±Ð·|¶Ç®¦°ó-1998965473708898/ Email: |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | The Church of Christ in China Kei To Church No.318/F Skyline Tower, 18 Tong Mi Road, Mongkok, KLNTel: 23919144 Fax: 23919407 URL: Email: |
Macau | The Church of Christ in China Hainan Church MacauBH-BI, 3/F., Edf. Jardim Kong Fok On (Bloco 8), Rua 1 de Maio, MacauTel: (853)28437422 Fax: URL: Email: |
HK Eastern | The Church of Christ in China Chaiwan ChurchRoom B-D, 12/F E-Trade Plaza,24 Lee Chung Street, Chaiwan, HK Tel: 28965111 Fax: 28964467 URL: Email: |
KLN Kwun Tong | The Church of Christ in China Ngau Tau Kok ChurchRm 7, 12/F, Billion Trade Centre, 31 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, KLNTel: Fax: URL: Email: |
NT Tuen Mun | The Church of Christ in China Tin King ChurchCCC Mong Wong Far Yok Memorial Primary School,Tin King Estate, Tuen Mun, NT Tel: 24564652 Fax: 24563491 URL: Email: |
NT Tsuen Wan | The Church of Christ in China Tsing Yi Chi To ChurchRm 910-911, 9/F Nan Fung Centre, Tsuen Wan, NTTel: 24310072 | 24311123 Fax: 24053125 URL: Email: |
NT Kwai Tsing | The Church of Christ in China Tsing Yi Chuen Yuen ChurchG/F., CCC Yengching College,12 Nga Yeng Chau Street, Tsing Yi, NT Tel: 24332056 Fax: 21497076 URL: Email: |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | The Church of Christ in China Kei To Mongkok ChurchMongkok Post Office Box 79316Tel: 23977130 Fax: 23952552 URL: Email: |
NT Tai Po | The Church of Christ in China Kwong Fuk ChurchCCC Fung Leung Kit Memorial Secondary School,22 Plover Cove Road, Tai Po, NT Tel: 26582410 Fax: 26650875 URL: Email: |
NT Shatin | The Church of Christ in China Christ's Harvest ChurchRoom J, 4/F Haribest Industrial Building, 45-47, Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, N.T.(Sunday Service) 1/F., Shatin Pui Ying College, Wo Che Estate, 9 Fung Shun Street, Shatin, NT Tel: 26073620 Fax: 26073620 URL: Email: |
NT Tai Po | The Church of Christ in China Kei To Tai Po ChurchShop H, G/F Reve Plaza, Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, NTTel: 26381638 Fax: 26674557 URL: Email: |
NT Shatin | The Church of Christ in China Hop Yat Church (Ma On Shan)26 On Shing Street, Ma On Shan, Shatin, NTTel: 26441572 Fax: 26334714 URL: Email: |
HK Southern | The Church of Christ in China Kei Fu ChurchRm 710, Wah Ching House, Wah Fu Estate, Aberdeen, HKTel: 25512440 Fax: 25504742 URL: Email: |
HK Eastern | The Church of Christ in China Siu Sai Wan ChurchFlat B, 12/F Federal Centre,77 Sheung On Street, Chaiwan, HK Tel: 25054851 Fax: 25054853 URL: Email: |
NT Yuen Long | The Church of Christ in China The Covenant ChurchCCC Fong Yun Wah Secondary School,6 Tin Yip Road, Tin Shui Wai, NT (Centre) The Covenant Heart Social Services CCC Fong Yun Wah Secondary School, 6 Tin Yip Road, Tin Shui Wai, NT Tel: 24453724 24453726 Fax: 24451074 URL: Email: |
NT Tuen Mun | The Church of Christ in China Lung Mun ChurchRm 106 CCC Hoh Fuk Tong Primary School,41 Lung Mun Road, Tuen Mun, NT Tel: 24647312 Fax: 24647314 URL: Email: |
HK Eastern | The Church of Christ in China Kei Oi Church1/F CCC Kei Wan Primary School (Aldrich Bay),39 Oi Shun Road, Shaukeiwan, HK Tel: 25688328 Fax: 25688378 URL: Email: |
KLN Wong Tai Sin | The Church of Christ in China Heep Woh Church161 Tung Tau Tsuen Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon(Service) CCC Heep Woh College, 171 Po Kong Village Road, Tsz Wan Shan, KLN Tel: 23277224 Fax: 23277664 URL: Email: |
NT Islands | The Church of Christ in China Ma Wan Kei Wai ChurchCCC Kei Wai Primary School (Ma Wan),12 Pak Lam Road, Ma Wan, NT G-1/F, 345 Ma Wan Main Street Village (North), NT Tel: 29863391 34461000 Fax: 29863291 29863291 URL: Email: |
KLN Sham Shui Po | The Church of Christ in China Ying Wa Church1/F Ying Wa Primary School,3 Ying Wa Street, Shamshiupo, KLN Tel: 27283334 Fax: URL: Email: |
KLN Kowloon City | The Church of Christ in China Hung Hom Kei To ChurchCCC Kei To Secondary School,28 Sung On Street, To Kwa Wan, KLN Tel: 22642775 Fax: 22642355 URL: Email: |
KLN Kwun Tong | The Church of Christ in China Yau Tong Leung Faat Memorial ChurchCCC Kei Faat Primary School (Yau Tong),25 Yau Tong Road, Yau Tong, KLN Tel: 35261744 Fax: 35261740 URL: Email: |
KLN Kowloon City | The Church of Christ in China Kei Wa ChurchCCC Kei Wa Primary School (KT),1B Oxford Road, Kowloon Tong, KLN Tel: 23390530 Fax: 23390581 URL: Email: |
NT Tai Po | The Church of Christ in China Fu Shin Lam Tsuen Church58 Ping Long Tsuen, Lam Tsuen, Tai Po, NTTel: 26612766 Fax: 26613766 URL: Email: |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | The Church of Christ in China Tai Kok Tsui Kei Tsun Church7/F CCC Kei Tsun Primary School, 150 Tai Kok Tsui Road, KLN(Sunday Service) CCC Kei Tsun Primary School, 150 Tai Kok Tsui Road, KLN Tel: 23977308 Fax: 37530990 URL: Email: |
KLN Sham Shui Po | The Church of Christ in China Mongkok Heep Woh ChurchThe Chaplaincy Room, CCC Heep Woh Primary School (Cheung Sha Wan),18 Tonkin Street, Cheung Sha Wan, KLN (Sunday Service) CCC Heep Woh Primary School (Cheung Sha Wan), 18 Tonkin Street, Cheung Sha Wan, KLN Tel: 36210441 Fax: 36210443 URL: Email: |
KLN Kwun Tong | The Church of Christ in China Kei Shun Church of LoveCCC Kei Shun Special School, Shun Li Estate, Kwun Tong, KLNTel: 27901864 Fax: 23419715 URL: Email: |
Secondary Schools
District | School | Principal |
KLN Sham Shui Po | 01.Ying Wa CollegeNo.1, Ying Wa Street, Shamshuipo, KLNTel: 23368838 Fax: 23361920 URL: Email: | CHEN Dion |
KLN Kowloon City | 02.Kowloon True Light Middle SchoolNo.1, True Light Lane, Kowloon Tong, KLNTel: 36550000 Fax: 36550110 URL: Email: | LEE Yi Ying |
HK Southern | 03.Pui Ying Secondary School55 Wah Fu Road, Pokfulam, HKTel: 25503632 Fax: 28758633 URL: Email: | CHAN Chun Yin |
HK Central and Western | 04.Ying Wa Girls' SchoolDecanted premises: 101 Castle Peak Road, Sham Shui Po, KLNTel: 25463151 Fax: 28588669 URL: Email: | KWAN Hon Cheung |
NT Tuen Mun | 05.CCC Hoh Fuk Tong College28 Castle Peak Road, San Hui, Tuen Mun, NTTel: 24596354 Fax: 24572648 URL: Email: | LEUNG Man Ki |
KLN Wong Tai Sin | 06.CCC Kei Heep Secondary School161 Tung Tau Tsuen Road, Wong Tai Sin, KLNTel: 23204557 Fax: 23251715 URL: Email: | LAW Yue On |
KLN Kwun Tong | 07.CCC Kei Chi Secondary School20, Shui Ning Street, Kwun Tong, KLNTel: 23422954 Fax: 23445392 URL: Email: | LEE Kam Cheung |
KLN Sham Shui Po | 08.CCC Ming Yin College1 Wai Chi Street, Shek Kip Mei, KLNTel: 27784512 Fax: 27883729 URL: Email: | CHAN Mei Yi |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | 09.CCC Ming Kei College16 Oak Street, Tai Kok Tsui, KLNTel: 23923963 Fax: 21427376 URL: Email: | CHEUNG Pui Shan |
HK Wanchai | 10.CCC Kung Lee College17, Tai Hang Drive, Tai Hang Road, Causeway Bay, HKTel: 25775778 Fax: 25775016 URL: Email: | YUEN Oi Hing |
NT Kwai Ching | 11.CCC Chuen Yuen College15 Sheung Kok Street, Kwai Chung Estate, Kwai Chung, NTTel: 24205050 Fax: 24841431 URL: Email: | IP Tin Yau |
NT North | 12.CCC Kei San Secondary SchoolNo.8 Wu Tip Shan Road, Fanling, NTTel: 26693906 Fax: 26693583 URL: Email: | KO Kwok Wing |
KLN Wong Tai Sin | 13.CCC Heep Woh College171 Po Kong Village Road, Tsz Wan Shan, KLNTel: 23234265 Fax: 23233258 URL: Email: | LUI Ho Wing Samuel |
KLN Wong Tai Sin | 14.CCC Rotary Secondary School157 Lung Cheung Road, KLNTel: 23381971 Fax: 23383748 URL: Email: | SIT Cheong Wah |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | 15.True Light Girls' College54A Waterloo Road, KLNTel: 23851491 Fax: 27825300 URL: Email: | MUI Lai Yuk |
KLN Kwun Tong | 16.CCC Mong Man Wai College20, Hiu Ming Street, Kwun Tong, KLNTel: 27276372 Fax: 23483900 URL: Email: | LUI Yee Man |
NT Kwai Ching | 17.CCC Yenching College12 Nga Ying Chau Street, Tsing Yi, NTTel: 23879988 Fax: 23868814 URL: Email: | HA Lai Chu |
HK Eastern | 18.CCC Kwei Wah Shan College62 Cloud View Road, North Point, HKTel: 25711285 Fax: 28070085 URL: Email: | WONG Chung Leung |
NT Shatin | 19.Shatin Pui Ying College9 Fung Shun Street, Wo Che Estate, Shatin, NTTel: 26917217 Fax: 26020411 URL: Email: | CHU Ka Tim |
KLN Kwun Tong | 20.CCC Kei Shun Special SchoolShun Li Estate, Kwun Tong, KLNTel: 23417422 Fax: 23419715 URL: Email: | YIU Ching Yi |
NT Yuen Long | 21.CCC Kei Yuen CollegeFung Yau Street East, Yuen Long, NTTel: 24750331 Fax: 24745663 URL: Email: | CHENG Lai Lam |
NT Yuen Long | 22.CCC Kei Long College8, Fung Yau Street South, Yuen Long, NTTel: 24754781 Fax: 24747344 URL: Email: | TSANG Wing Kee |
NT Tai Po | 23.CCC Fung Leung Kit Memorial Secondary School22 Plover Cove Road, Tai Po, NTTel: 26516033 Fax: 26509629 URL: Email: | WONG Wai Shan |
NT Tuen Mun | 24.CCC Tam Lee Lai Fun Memorial Secondary School10 San Wo Lane, San Hui, Tuen Mun, NTTel: 24522422 Fax: 24400304 URL: Email: | YAN Oi Ling |
NT Yuen Long | 25.CCC Fong Yun Wah Secondary School6 Tin Yip Road, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long, NTTel: 24455833 Fax: 24455252 URL: Email: | NG Chun Hung |
KLN Kowloon City | 26.CCC Kei To Secondary School28 Sung On Street, Tokwawan, KLNTel: 26271028 Fax: 26270555 URL: Email: | YUNG Kong Sing |
Primary Schools
District | School | Principal |
KLN Kowloon City | 01.Kowloon True Light School (Primary Section)115 Waterloo Road, KLNTel: 23360662 Fax: 23387794 URL: Email: | LAM Chui Ping |
NT Tsuen Wan | 02.CCC Chuen Yuen First Primary School36 Wing Shun Street, Tsuen Wan, NTTel: 24900336 Fax: 24158627 URL: Email: | TAM Kwong Tak |
NT Yuen Long | 03.CCC Chun Kwong Primary School5 Chung Sing Path,Yuen Long,NTTel: 24762696 Fax: 24430755 URL: Email: | TSUI Kin Sum |
NT Tuen Mun | 04.CCC But San Primary School28 Castle Peak Road, San Hui,Tuen Mun, NTTel: 24596221 Fax: 24400266 URL: Email: | CHUNG Wai Kuen |
NT Islands | 05.CCC Tai O Primary SchoolNo.24-26 Market Street, Tai O, Lantau Island, NTTel: 29857515 Fax: 29857907 URL: Email: | SO Chi Ying |
KLN Sham Shui Po | 06.CCC Heep Woh Primary School (Cheung Sha Wan)18 Tonkin Street, Sham Shui Po, KLNTel: 21119099 Fax: 21119826 URL: Email: | CHOY Sai Hung |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | 07.CCC Heep Woh Primary School191B Prince Edward Road West, KLNTel: 23814343 Fax: 23819257 URL: Email: | YUNG Mei Yan |
NT Kwai Ching | 08.CCC Chuen Yuen Second Primary School3, Sheung Kok Street, Tai Wo Hau, Kwai Chung, NTTel: 24201220 Fax: 24101401 URL: Email: | TSE Ka Ying Karen |
NT Kwai Ching | 09.CCC Kei Chun Primary School11 Wa Lai Path, Kwai Chung, NTTel: 27419907 Fax: 27853732 URL: Email: | PANG Kit Han |
KLN Wong Tai Sin | 10.CCC Kei Wa Primary SchoolChoi Hung Estate, 3 Wong Kuk Avenue, Wong Tai Sin, KLNTel: 23200683 Fax: 23259035 URL: Email: | LAM Yat Lung |
KLN Kowloon City | 11.CCC Kei Wa Primary School (Kowloon Tong)1B Oxford Road, Kowloon Tong, KLNTel: 22676676 Fax: 23360665 URL: Email: | CHANG Suet Ying |
KLN Kwun Tong | 12.CCC Kei Faat Primary School (Yau Tong)25, Yau Tong Road, Yau Tong, KLNTel: 23895458 Fax: 23424459 URL: Email: | LEE Po Man |
KLN Kwun Tong | 13.CCC Kei Faat Primary School34 Yuet Wah Street, Kwun Tong, KLNTel: 23418088 Fax: 23424326 URL: Email: | KWOK Man Chiu |
KLN Wong Tai Sin | 14.CCC Kei Tsz Primary School152 Tsz Wan Shan Road, Kowloon.Tel: 23225122 Fax: 23286489 URL: Email: | CHIU Kit Wa |
HK Eastern | 15.CCC Kei Wan Primary School (Aldrich Bay)39 Oi Shun Road, Shaukeiwan, HKTel: 29154140 Fax: 25390988 URL: Email: | WONG Ching Man |
HK Eastern | 16.CCC Kei Wan Primary School63 Sai Wan Ho Street, Shaukeiwan, HKTel: 25608007 Fax: 28854050 URL: Email: | LAM Wai Hung |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | 17.CCC Kei Tsun Primary School150,Tai Kok Tsui Road, Tai Kok Tsui, KLNTel: 23928221 Fax: 23990319 URL: Email: | YIP Suet Yin |
NT Tuen Mun | 18.CCC Hoh Fuk Tong Primary School41 Lung Mun Road, Tuen Mun, N.T.Tel: 24597156 Fax: 24521903 URL: Email: | WAN Shuk Fan |
KLN Kwun Tong | 19.CCC Kei Shun Special School (Primary)Shun Li Estate, Kwun Tong, KLNTel: 23417422 Fax: 23419715 URL: Email: | YIU Ching Yi |
NT Tsuen Wan | 20.CCC Kei Wai Primary School167-185 Tsuen King Circuit, Tsuen Wan, NTTel: 24980383 Fax: 24158656 URL: Email: | CHUNG Chi Sum Samuel |
NT Islands | 21.CCC Kei Wai Primary School (Ma Wan)12 Pak Lam Road, Ma Wan, Tsuen Wan, NTTel: 29863111 Fax: 29863617 URL: Email: | HO Po Ling |
NT Tuen Mun | 22.CCC Mong Wong Far Yok Memorial Primary SchoolTin King Estate, Tuen Mun, NTTel: 24563678 Fax: 24542863 URL: Email: | CHENG Ka Po, Shirley |
KLN Sham Shui Po | 23.Ying Wa Primary School3,Ying Wa Street, Shamshuipo, KLNTel: 27283320 Fax: 27286266 URL: Email: | CHAN May Kuen |
District | Kindergarten | Principal |
KLN Sham Shui Po | 01.The Church of Christ in China Heep Woh Kindergarten231 Sai Yeung Choi Street, North, KLNTel: 27779618 Fax: 27785426 URL: Email: | LAU Ming Ching |
NT Tsuen Wan | 02.CCC Fuk Yau No.2 Child Care Centre Cum Day CrecheG/F No.3-16, 18 & 20 Shek Lin House, Shek Wai Kok Estate, Tsuen Wan, NTTel: 24980926 Fax: 24122287 URL: Email: | TSE Sau Ching |
KLN Kwun Tong | 03.CCC Kei Faat Kindergarten3rd-5th LG/F, 34 Yuet Wah Street, Kwun Tong, KLNTel: 23898948 Fax: 27932241 URL: Email: | WONG Sau Lai |
KLN Sham Shui Po | 04.CCC Kei Chun Kindergarten114-127 Lai Lo House, Lai Kok Estate, Shamshuipo, KLNTel: 23618246 Fax: 27487036 URL: Email: | LAM Hoi Man |
KLN Kwun Tong | 05.CCC Kei Wa KindergartenUnit No.1-14, G/F, Kai Ning House, Kai Yip Estate, Kwun Tong, KLNTel: 27560781 Fax: 27585580 URL: Email: | CHENG Yam Hing |
NT Tsuen Wan | 06.CCC Fuk Yau Kindergarten Child Care CentreG/F No.14-17 Shek Tsui House, Shek Wai Kok Estate, Tsuen Wan, NTTel: 24166805 Fax: 24170726 URL: Email: | LEE Kai Man |
NT Kwai Ching | 07.CCC Chuen Yuen KindergartenUnit No.4, Podium Level 3, Kwai Chung Shopping Centre, Kwai Chung Estate, Kwai Chung, NTTel: 24011899 Fax: 22794100 URL: Email: | LI Man Ling Maggie |
District | Organization | Supervisor / Center-in-charge |
NT Tuen Mun | 01.HKCCCC Tuen Mun Special Child Care Centre3/F, No 29 Tseng Choi Street, Tuen Mun, NTTel: 24508745 Fax: 24508372 URL: Email: | TUNG Pui Man |
NT Tuen Mun | 02.HKCCCC Family Web4/F, 29 Tseng Choi Street, Tuen Mun, NTTel: 24414833 Fax: 24414805 Email: | Jojo CHAN |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | 03.HKCCCC Family Support Service Centre1/F, Morrison Memorial Centre, 191 Prince Edward Road West, KLNTel: 23971495 Fax: 27873949 URL: Email: | Ida LEUNG |
KLN Yau Tsm Mong | 04.HKCCCC Clinical Psychology Service1/F, Morrison Memorial Centre, 191 Prince Edward Road West, KLNTel: 23971495 Fax: 27873949 URL: Email: | Trinnae PHANG |
KLN Yau Tsm Mong | 05.HKCCCC School Support ServiceRm 304/305, Morrison Memorial Centre, 191 Prince Edward Road West, KLNTel: 23971035 Fax: 27873949 | Jesa TSANG |
KLN Yau Tsm Mong | 06.HKCCCC Mindful-Support ServiceRm 305, Morrison Memorial Centre, 191 Prince Edward Road West, KLNTel: 23971495 Fax: Email: | Adeline HUI |
KLN Yau Tsim Mong | 07.HKCCCC Education Psychology Service6/F, CCC Kei Tsun Primary School, 150 Tai Kok Tsui Road, KowloonTel: 23971089 Fax: 23907629 URL: Email: | Esther IU |
Macau | 08.HKCCCC Morrison Memorial Centre of MacauRua De Abreu Nunes No.6 (Rua Ferreira Do Amaral No.15),2 Andar, D2 E2 F2, Edif. Iau Luen, MACAU Tel: (853)28523971 Fax: (853)28523971 Email: | Antonio LING CARLOS |
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