Theology & Ministry Department
Terms of Reference
Be responsible for the following affairs pertaining to theology, faith, ministers of the Word, and church polity.
- To advocate the Council’s theological heritage, to expound the Council’s theological view points in matters pertaining to faith and work, and to set the direction for ministry of the Council.
- To advocate and expound the Council’s tradition of and liturgy for the administration of the holy sacraments, to decide on the church order for the ordination of ministers and the installation of preachers, deacons and elders.
- To interview and examine those candidates who wish to be ordained or received as ministers, or installed as preachers, of the Council; and those ministers and preachers from other denominations who wish to transfer to and serve in the Council.
- To promote theological training for the Council and to assess the qualifications of those candidates who have made applications to the Council for scholarships to study theology.
- To contact the ministers and preachers of the Council’s churches and to coordinate and process matters regarding their transfer of work places.
- To investigate and handle cases concerning personal and professional misconduct of the Council’s ministers and preachers.
Ministers’ Concern Committee
- To show concern for the Council’s ministers in matters relating to their ministry and livelihood.
- To become a platform for the ministers’ fellowship, allowing them to share their experience in ministry and to show support for each other. To arrange learning opportunities for the ministers so that they can be better servants of the Lord.
- To take the initiative to interview those ministers with special personal needs, to assist them to grow in their ministry, learning ability, and personal character.
- To train the Council’s candidates for the ministry, to help them to attain personal growth, the techniques for pastoral care, and to foster a better sense of belonging to the Council
- To interview those candidates who wish to become ministers the Council, and to show continuous concern for them after they have been orally examined by the Theology and Mission Department.
- To plan the ministers’ retreats.
Preachers’ Concern Committee
- To show concern for the Council’s preachers in matters relating to their ministry and livelihood.
- To become a platform for the preachers’ fellowship, allowing them to share their experience in ministry and to show support for each other. To arrange learning opportunities for the preachers so that they can be better servants of the Lord.
- To take the initiative to interview those preachers with special personal needs, to assist them to grow in their ministry, learning ability, and personal character.
- To train the Council’s preachers, to help them to attain personal growth, the techniques for pastoral care, and to foster a better sense of belonging to the Council.
- To interview those candidates who wish to become preachers of the Council, and to interview them again after they have been orally examined by the Theology and Mission Department.
- To care for the Preachers’ Fellowship and their related activities.
Position of the Preachers’ Fellowship and its direction of ministry
- To unit the Council’s preachers, to foster in them a corporate sense of belonging.
- To care for the novice preachers (under three years of appointment), using the district-based networking, to encourage them to support and pray for each other. To invite the team of ministers assigned to care for the Committee to provide pastoral care for the preachers.
- To enhance their professional growth
Seminary Students’ Concern Committee
- To care for the Council’s seminary students studying in different seminaries in matters concerning their study and livelihood.
- To become a platform for the seminary students’ fellowship, allowing them to share their experience in learning and ministry, and to show support for each other.
- To take the initiative to interview those seminary students with special personal needs, to assist them to grow in the seminary, learning ability, and personal character.
- To show concern for the seminary students during their years of study, to make arrangement for them to do their practicum in the CCC churches so that they will be, after their graduation, in a better position to consider employment in a CCC church
- To interview those candidates who wish to apply for CCC scholarships (基本神學學額) to study in a seminary and to make recommendations, after the interview, to the Theology and Mission Department for consideration.
- To assess those candidates who wish to apply for the CCC Theological Education Grant in Aid (神學培才助學金)and to make suggestions to the Theology and Mission Department thereafter.
Faith and Liturgy Committee
- To advocate the Council’s theological tradition, to expound the Council’s theological view points in matters pertaining to faith and work
- To advocate and expound the Council’s theology of sacraments, church tradition and liturgy, and to formulate the order of worship.
- To compile a “Ministers’ Handbook” for reference by the Council’s ministers and preachers and by the local congregations.
Ministers and Preachers’s Professionalism and Professional Development Committee
- To review the aim, purpose and candidate for the scheme of CCC Theological Education of the Council and make recommendation to Theology and Mission Department.
- To investigate a system for the ministers and preachers for further study during in-service and make recommendation to Theology and Mission Department.
- To access both the ministers and preachers of our Council and make recommendation to Theology and Mission Department.
- To recommend the ministers, preachers and Seminary Students for further Professional training direction.
Social Concern Committee
- To strengthen the ministers and preachers’ awareness for social concern and their introspection of such related theology.
- To show concern for social policies and development from the theological point of view.
- Through the Council’s existing mechanism, to make public the Council’s official position on social affairs and issues.