Social Services Department
Together we nurture fullness of life;
Hand in hand we witness the love of Christ
Mission Statement
Be servants care for the suffered neighbours;
Be prophets advocate for a just society;
Be disciples commit side by side to the spirit of “Serving & Preaching” for blessing Hong Kong.
Core Values
Partnership in Mission, Joint Action for Mission, Sharing for Mission
Terms of Reference
- To set policies and plan future directions for social services of the Council and to make recommendations and to submit reports to the Executive Committee.
- To examine applications by the churches of the Council for subsidies for social service projects and to submit reports to the Executive Department.
- To study and to respond to the Hong Kong social welfare consultation papers and to submit reports to the Executive Committee.
- With the consent of the Executive Committee, to examine, employ, dismiss, and transfer salaried agency staff whose grades are below that of the supervisor/director and to decide on their contracts and salaries.
- With the consent of the Executive Committee, to set up a committee to supervise and manage the daily operation of the agencies of the Council.
- To recommend to the Executive Committee for a decision regarding the appointment, dismissal and transfer of the supervisors/director of the agencies.
Family Support Service Centre
Service Pledge
- To serve those families in need in God’s Love.
- To help the clients through guidance, counseling and therapeutic groups.
- Service receipts are welcome to express their opinion and feed back directly to the Centre-in-charge.
- All information give to us are treated in strict confidence.
- Counseling
To provide marital, parenting, self-growth and emotional distress conseling.
(All information are treated in strict confidence.). - Premarital Counseling Service
To help pre-marital couples to enhance their mutual understanding, conflict resolution skill, communication and family planning.
Services include: 5 sessions of interview (1.5 hr per session)
Free: Each couple
$2,000 (for CCC church or school members)
$2,300 (for Non-CCC church or school members)
1. Please make appointment at least 9 months before the wedding date.
2. The “Prepare-Enrich” pre-marital assessment test will also be conducted if necessary with an additional assessment fee $300 ( per couple). - Support Groups
To provide support groups for those who have similar experience such as pregnancy, unemployment, newly – wed adjustment, single parent, grief, new immigrant, etc Groups are conducted with emphasis on integration of Christian belief and living. - Talks and Training
To priovide counseling and social welfare related talks and training for pastors, church members, teachers, parents and students.
Other Service
Family Resource Library:
To Provide borrowing service for books, tapes, CDs, DVDs of various topics: such as marital relationship, parenting, premarital preparation and grief counseling
Contact us
Address: 1/F., Morrision Memorial Centre,
191 Prince Edward Rd. W. Kln., HK.
Tel: 23971022
Fax: 27873949
Website: https://fssctr.hkcccc.org
Email: fssctr@hkcccc.org
Clinical Psychology Services
School Support Service
Our Mission
With this ever changing society, children has to face different challenges in their life. Therefore, social supports from their surroundings, including parents, siblings, teachers, friends and their social network are essential and vital to their development. Therefore, it is aimed to help children’s growth by promoting their self-understanding, better social and communication skills, motivating their learning, developing their positive and enthusiastic mind through student-centred programmes.
Service Goals
- To enhance children’s learning with joy, facilitate effective communication, cultivate creativity, and develop sense of commitment.
- To develop children’s abilities and skills in handling problems arising from their learning, society, family as well as their own
- To facilitate and strengthen the tie between the students, the school, the parents and the community.
1. Direct Services
(1) Direct services for students
(i) On Personal Growth –sex education –pre-school students orientation class –pre-graduation orientation class
(ii) On Life Education –Adversity Quotient (AQ) training –self-development groups –peer counseling training
(iii) On Social Skills –team building –leadership training –social skills training –emotional support training
iv) Psychological services –counseling groups on death and dying; coping abilities for children with single parent.
–training for students with Special Learning Difficulties (SLD)
(v) Others –volunteer training –adventure challenge –Creative Quotient (CQ) training
(2) Direct Services for parents –EQ training seminars –support group for parents with Special Learning Difficulties
(SLD) children –child-centered play therapy training –stress management –parenting skills –parent-child volunteer
(3) Direct Services for teachers –team building –communication skills training –counseling skills training
–community resources to teachers –stress management
(4) Clinical psychologist services –assessment –professional talks, seminars, group and training
2. To develop children’s abilities and skills in handling problems arising from their learning, society, family as well as their own
3. To facilitate and strengthen the tie between th